The Biggest Loser Season 13 Episode 9 Recap 2/28/12

The Biggest Loser Season 13 Episode 9 Recap 2/28/12

Tonight is a new episode of The Biggest Loser and the contestants head home for 18 days.  The contestants are told that during their time immunity is up to grabs if they can lose 5% of their weight in the 18 days they are home.  Not an easy feat with all the temptations they will face.  If you want to see a sneak peek of tonight’s episode check out the video here!

TONIGHT’S RECAP: The contestants are excited they are told they are going home home tonight for 18 days.  They are all nervous.  They are also told that they will get immunity if they can lose 5% of their body weigt while they are home.

All the contestants tell their families how much weight they have lost.  They contestants get a CD and they are told they are off campus but the game is still on and they have to be ready at any moment.  There next challenge is about to begin.  At this very moment there are rowing machines set up for every contestant and they first contestant who rows 10,000 meters will win.  The prize they are giving away cold hard cash.  One dollar for every meter they row.  So the winner gets $10,000.

The contestants are pushing but only one will walk away with $10,000 – we know that the winner will only win by a mere 7 seconds.

Emily decides to go to her favorite bakery to see how she does.  She has a sweet tooth and she wants to see if she can resist.  She thinks it is ridiculous how many bad choices are in front of her.  Buddy is home says he lives in the fast food capital.  He wants goes to buy some chili dogs and cheese fries to see if he is tempted.  Buddy cannot say he has no desire for the chilli hotdog.  Buddy decides these are not the choices he can make again.  Meanwhile Emily decides at the bakery that she will skip the dessert and have tea.

Jeremy is back home where all his excuses started and come from.  He is playing pool with his friends and they all have a beer and he orders water.  His next test is order food with them.  Jeremy feels 18 days to be home is a long time and there is a lot of temptation.

Chism is happy to be back with his band.  He would love to spend lots of time with them but he realizes he has to work out to.  His Dad Mark is happy because they are moving ahead together.

Chris worries now that she is home because they are just making it – they struggle financially and she knows she needs to focus and not let herself get distracted and let it drag her down.

Emily and her father are going to do an Olympic weight lifting workout.  Her Dad realizes he was hard on her.  Emily is nervous – because since she has put on weight she cannot weight lift.  Emily is not using the weight she use to and she is getting mad at herself because she is performing mediocre.  She starts to cry because she is disappointed and embarrassed.  Emily knows power-lifting is not in her future – she has other goals.  She tells her Dad she has a dream to go into an Iron Man contestant.

Buddy heads to the gym and he wants to break 300 so he is working out hard.  He has to lose 18 lbs to lose 5 % of his weigh.

Jeremy was very uncomfortable at the gym before he went to the ranch.  Now going into the gym everything is scattered and the things are not organized for him.  He has to lose 16 lbs to lose 5% of his body weight this week.  To inspire himself he has the number 16 marked everywhere.

Megan is excited to be home to see her horse.  Before she left for the ranch she could not get on her horse without help.  Today she managed to get on her horse herself and her parents are thrilled.

The contestants have to say goodbye to their family and are headed back to the ranch.

Back at the Biggest Loser ranch – the contestants are glad to be back.  They feel like they are returning home.  The Black Team notices that Bob is smiling like a devil and they are worried what their last chance workout is going to be.

The red team also thinks the last chance workout is going to be hell.  Bob is really excited he has a new facilty set up that he can torture his contestants with – the contestants think they are going to die LOL…  Bob loves his job and asks the contesatns if they miss him?  Chris works out so hard she ends up on the floor hyperventilating they have to call the medics in to help her.  Chris is determined she wants the 5% weight loss.

Emily’s 5% is 11 lbs and she is chasing it – she wants the immunity.  Chism needs to lose 15 lbs to get immunity and he is sure he made it.

Dolvett pulls Kim aside he thinks she is distracted.  Kim lets Dolvett that her two worlds kinda collided her family and the biggest loser and she is not sure she has had as much success as the rest of the contestants and she is worried – she does not want to go home.  Dolvett lets her know she has to get a balance, but he is worried it may be too late.

Alison lets the contestants know they have $10,000 to give away.  It is either Marc, Chism or Kim who won.  The winner of $10,000 by a mere 7 seconds is Chism.

Red Team

Buddy – previous weigh was 317 lbs – he loses 23 lbs. He has immunity tonight
Jeremy – previous weight was 309 lbs – he loses 20 lbs. He has immunity tonight
Kimmie – previous weight was 179 lbs – she loses 10 lbs. She has immunity tonight
Mark – previous weight was 226 lbs – he loses 11 lbs.
Kim – previous weight was 193 lbs – she loses 7 lbs.

Total for Red Team this week 5.8% weight loss and 71 lbs

Black Team

Conda – previous weight 245 lbs – she lost 14 bs.  She has immunity tonight.
Emily – previous weight 216 lbs – she lost 17 lbs. She has immunity tonight.
Megan – previous weight 217 lbs – she lost 12 lbs. She has immunity tonight.
Chris – previous weight 196 lbs – she lost 11 lbs. She has immunity tonight.
Cassandra – previous weight 188 lbs – she lost 13 lbs. She has immunity tonight.
Chism – previous weight 293 lbs – he lost 11 lbs.

Total for Black Team this week 78 lbs.

Because the Black team loses less weight than the red team they lose the weigh-in and because Chism is the only person who did not get immunity he is going to be sent home.

His father Mark asks if Chism can stay and he will go home.  Mark says he cannot stay here knowing his son has only lost by 1 lb.  Chism is really upset he does not want his father to go for him.  Chism lets his father know going home does not mean he is going to put the 80 lbs back on.  Dolvett tells his father that Chism is a man and he want to do what is right.  Bob lets Chism know that he believes in him.  All the remaining contestants of the house are upset.

Chism is not the biggest loser and he is being sent home.

Keep refreshing as we are live blogging the show!!!
