The best counters to expose Raticate's weaknesses

The evolution of the diminutive Rattata, Raticate, isn't a great battler in Pokemon GO, but countering it is still advised for trainers that encounter it.

As a Normal-type Pokemon, Raticate has one weakness and one resistance in Pokemon GO. Its weakness is Fighting-type moves, while its lone resistance is Ghost-type moves. This should be taken into consideration when countering Raticate in a battle.

Raticate does take neutral damage from almost all sources and doesn't really have the stats to withstand much. However, countering it as a Normal-type is at least good practice for dealing with other Normal-types like Snorlax, Chansey, etc.

Pokemon GO: Top counters to defeat Raticate

Raticate's original art as it appeared in Pokemon Red and Blue by Ken Sugimori (Image via Nintendo/The Pokemon Company)

When countering Raticate in Pokemon GO, it's all about utilizing Fighting-type moves. If these moves are used by Fighting-type Pokemon, their damage will increase because of Same Type Attack Bonuses (STAB) triggering.

With that in mind, trainers will want to key in on using their best Fighting-type Pokemon to take Raticate down quickly. If trainers don't have any Fighting-types to spare, they need not worry. Raticate is relatively fragile and will drop fairly quickly to all damage types that aren't Ghost-type.

Regardless, utilizing Fighting-type moves and Pokemon will make the job much faster, ideal for Pokemon GO trainers who want to move along to other things.

Below, trainers can find a list of Pokemon and moves that are highly effective for whittling down Raticate's HP with haste:

Fast moves

  • Counter
  • Low Kick

Charge moves

  • Focus Blast
  • Aura Sphere
  • Superpower
  • Dynamic Punch
  • Close Combat
  • Sacred Sword


  • Mega Lopunny
  • Lucario
  • Conkeldurr
  • Sawk
  • Machamp
  • Pirouette Meloetta
  • Terrakion
  • Breloom
  • Blaziken
  • Heracross
  • Hariyama
  • Sirfetch'd
  • Toxicroak
  • Emboar

In addition to the listed Pokemon and moves, there are many more capable of defeating Raticate in Pokemon GO. As long as trainers are keying in on using Fighting-type moves and Pokemon, Raticate should prove no real trouble at all.

Its lack of defense and stamina stats means Raticate is more or less a pushover unless compared to Rattata. Users can keep tapping and hammering away at Raticate, and it'll drop before it knows what hit it.

Exploiting its weaknesses is just the icing on the cake to make the whole fight end quickly and efficiently.

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