Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Best Corviknight PvP build

Corviknight, the final evolution of Rookidee and Corvisquire, can be obtained in the Paldea region of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. In battle, this Steel/Flying-type raven is stout on defense and can be an offensive ace when needed.

The very same aspects that make Corviknight capable in standard battles are also true for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's PvP scenario. When well-built and optimized with specific PvP builds, the Pocket Monster can play offensive, defensive, and support roles in your party.

Thanks to its astute base stats and quality learnable moves, Corviknight can be an asset to many trainers' teams and help deliver them a victory in player-vs-player combat.

Corviknight can be built in many ways depending on a player's intentions. However, for a general-purpose offensive build, one is particularly worth consideration.

Note: This article is subjective and reflects the opinions of the writer

The best build for Corviknight in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is centered around Iron Defense

Corviknight as it appears in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's Pokedex (Image via Game Freak)

With a build centered around Corviknight's move Iron Defense, the Pokemon can be incredibly durable and efficient for offense.

With the right ability, nature, and moveset in its toolkit, Corviknight can nullify a considerable amount of physical damage dealt to it while still hammering away at its opponents effectively. Trainers can tweak this build as they like, and they can use it as a starting point for PvP.

Iron Defense build for Corviknight in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

  • Nature - Impish
  • EV Point Allocation - 252 HP, 252 Defense, 4 Special Defense
  • Ability - Pressure
  • Tera Type - Flying
  • Moveset - Iron Defense, Body Press, Taunt, Roost
  • Held Item - Rocky Helmet

With the PvP build listed above, trainers will have a Corviknight that punishes foes who attack it physically while doling out considerable damage itself. Its Impish nature also enhances its defense stat by 10%, and trainers can enhance its defense even further by utilizing Iron Defense in battle. The move will increase Corviknight's defense by two stages.

As players increase Corviknight's defense, they can attack with Body Press, which uses the stat to calculate damage instead of the Pokemon's attack stat.

Additionally, Taunt can lock opponents into a pattern of attacking Corviknight. This can trigger Rocky Helmet and deal damage to the attacker if they strike Corviknight physically.

Roost keeps the user's health topped off, and a Flying Tera Type ensures trainers who use Corviknight keep it safe from heavy-hitting Ground-type attacks after they Terastallize.

While this build isn't the only one that Pokemon trainers can build for Corviknight in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, it does serve a very good purpose as part of a larger team. However, if players already have plenty of offense-heavy Pocket Monsters on their team, they can always look to other builds that allow Corviknight to serve in a more defensive or supporting role.

Team chemistry is always important when it comes to formulating each specific creature for PvP, and Corviknight is no different.

Corviknight performs well in this build, thanks to its staying power and offensive capabilities. It should be able to take down more than a few opponents on its own without needing any form of backup from fellow Pokemon.

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