How to complete Flying off the Shelves side quest

Hogwarts Legacy features a diverse set of characters players can interact with. One can learn their backstories and acquire side missions by speaking with them. These characters can be found both in Hogwarts Castle and the open world. Flying off the Shelves is one of the many side quests players can partake in.

This quest is initiated by speaking with Cressida Blume. She is a Gryffindor student who can be located in Central Hall. She requests the protagonist to help her find five flying books. This quest will take players to the library to look for these elusive books. Three of them can be found on the library's first floor; the rest are flying around on the second floor.

Collecting all five flying books for Cressida in Hogwarts Legacy

Hogwarts Legacy features characters from all major houses Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Most of them will ask for your assistance. Cressida Blume is one of the Gryffindor students who will request you to help her collect the five books she has lost.

You can travel to the Central Hall Floo Flame and mark the side quest on your map. Follow the quest marker on your mini-map to reach her.

Objective: To retrieve five flying books for Cressida Blume.

Quest Description: Cressida Blume aims to find her lost flying books. She miscast a spell on the books, which enabled them to fly. You will have to search for them in the library and return them to her.

Travel to Central Hall Floo Flame (Image via WB Games)

Rewards: Avian-Grey wand handle and 180 experience (XP).

Proceed to the library, the door to which is located just a few steps to the left of her location. As soon as you walk through the door, the majestic library awaits you. Books will fly around in this area, and your in-game avatar hints at using Accio to collect them. They will scatter on your arrival. One book will be on the left side of the area, and you can cast Accio to pull it towards you.

Use Revelio to spot the rest. One book will be on your right side beside the large bookshelf. The last book on this floor will be to your left. Feel free to recast Revelio spell to spot it. It will be highlighted in blue, and you can walk closer and use Accio to obtain it.

The first book can be found upon entering the library (Image via WB Games)

Now head to the library's second floor via the stairs at the end of the room. Upon your arrival on this floor, you will find two flying books. The one on the left is Cressida’s missing book. The fluttering book on the right is a field guide page. Make sure to grab it as well using Accio. Collecting field guide pages will help you level up quickly in Hogwarts Legacy.

To acquire the final book, head to the opposite side of the floor and cast Revelio to highlight it. The book can fly around the aisle on the second to last bookshelf. Once again, resort to Accio to grab this final book for Cressida.

Use Revelio to find the last book on the second floor (Image via WB Games)

Return to her and hand over the books. Completing the quest earns you 180 XP and an Avian-Grey wand handle. This concludes the Flying off the shelves side mission.

The world of Hogwarts Legacy is ripe for exploration. Players can cruise around the vast open world on a flying broom or mount a magical beast to traverse faster. One can even tame some creatures and tend to them in the Vivarium. Hogwarts Legacy features a personal space called Room of Requirement, where players can brew potions, grow various herbs, and much more.

Avalanche Software was under the eagle eye of expectations from Potterheads and RPG aficionados. Positive reviews of Hogwarts Legacy and a favorable user reception paint a good picture for their team. It will be interesting to see how robust the narrative experience is owing to the absence of fan-favorite characters.

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