Country singer Cole Bradley discusses what he's getting into

Here at CelebMix, we support so many rising artists and we love to see where they’ll end up next.

We had the wonderful opportunity to chat with up-and-coming Country artist Cole Bradley who just released his very first single “What We’ll Get Into.” Not to be corny or anything but we’re getting into Cole’s music and this is just the very beginning! Who knows where we’ll be seeing him next? Actually, we do know. Next month, he’ll be performing at The Local on June 7th AKA the first day of CMA Fest! Obviously, the perfect way to kick off the festivities.

Read on below where we got to chat with Brad about his early beginnings, how his latest single came about, and of course, his future goals!

CelebMix: We’ll get into your new music but first off, for our readers learning about you, how did your start as a country music singer begin for you? When was the moment you realized pursuing a career in music is something you want to do?

Cole Bradley: I always loved country music. I grew up listening to Tim McGraw and Garth Brooks at three-years-old in my car seat. From the age of five, I took tons of singing lessons, was in multiple choirs and started playing my own shows. However, the moment I realized that I wanted to pursue a career in music was the summer of 2009. It was that summer that I discovered Kenny Chesney and I spent every day listening to his Greatest Hits 2 record. The way those songs connected with me inspired me to start writing songs of my own and recording them in hopes that people could feel the same connection to my songs.

CelebMix: When was the first time you picked up a guitar or started singing? Do you remember the first song you sang?

Cole Bradley: I started singing in front of audiences when I was five years old. Whether it was a part of a choir or a singing recital, I always had (and still have) a passion for performing. One of my first songs I ever sang by myself in front of an audience was “Bridge Over Troubled Water” by Simon and Garfunkel. I was around ten years old when I first picked up a guitar. After a year or so of battling with power chords, I learned real chords and the first song I played on guitar was “History in the Making” by Darius Rucker. It’s still one of my favourite songs to this day.

CelebMix: I read that you also recently just moved into Nashville. I’ve been there and man, that place is surrounded by talented people such as yourself! How’s it been living in that city so far?

Cole Bradley: Living in Nashville truly is a blessing. Every time I drive by the downtown skyline, I can’t help but feel super thankful that I get to live here. The food, the music scene, and especially the people are just a few of the reasons that I love Nashville. 

CelebMix: Being that you are from Canada, what are some of the biggest differences now that you live in Nashville?

Cole Bradley: Obviously, the music scene is incredibly different. In Canada, the country music “pond” is a lot smaller. In Nashville, I’m a small fish in a ginormous pond. I love the challenge of being a small fish. Here, the culture is different but the biggest similarity with my home in Canada is that the people are so amazing. The people here in Nashville are just like those back home – kind, sincere, and genuine.  

CelebMix: Now let’s talk about your latest song “What We’ll Get Into”! It’s definitely a fun summer song. What was the process like for this song – how did it get its push off the paper and into the studio?

Cole Bradley: We actually wrote this song while in the studio but the lyrics came from a real life experience of mine. I was dating a girl at the time and we were in what I like to call “the honeymoon phase.” This is at the beginning of any relationship where there is no drama or worries. It’s just fun, adventurous, and super exciting. Because the inspiration was there – it was easy for my co-writers and me to tell the story.

CelebMix: How was it in the studio putting this song together? Is the final product pretty much everything you wished for or did you envision the song completely different from the beginning?

Cole Bradley: The final product is everything I wished for and beyond. I give so much credit to my producer Sandy Chila as he truly took this song to new heights. The driving guitar lick at the beginning of the track really set the pace for the entire song and Sandy’s had many funky elements ideas that we could add throughout the song like the groovy pre-chorus. We weren’t sure what to expect after we wrote the lyrics, so to see what Sandy came up with on the production side was truly remarkable.  

CelebMix: Is this song a possible segway into an upcoming EP or album? Any plans for another upcoming single release?

Cole Bradley: Yes, “What We’ll Get Into” is only the start of what’s to come in the next few months. You can expect a bunch of new songs coming out throughout the summer and fall. We started this project over a year and a half ago so it’s super exciting to finally release new music. The next single is going to be such a fun release – unfortunately, I can’t tell you the title of the track just yet but you can expect this party anthem coming your way real soon.

CelebMix: Speaking of the future, what are your future plans as a country music artist? What do you hope to be doing by the time the year wraps up?

Cole Bradley: As a country musician, my hope is that I can share my music with as many people as possible. Whether it’s the song releases or through my upcoming live shows, I hope my songs will be able to resonate with my fans and new listeners alike. The plan is for me to keep improving my craft, writing songs that are true to myself as an artist and finding unique ways to share them with my audience. By the time the year wraps up, I hope that I’ll be in a place where I’ve made some new fans and they love all the new music. If that happens, then I’ll be one happy dude!

Are you enjoying Cole Bradley’s music as much as we are? Let us know on Twitter @CelebMix
